Sunday 29 June 2014

Last Day (Day 7) MingWei

It was the last day in China. It was the only day where we got to shop. We were brought to Tunxi Ancient Street to begin our shopping mania. There were things of all kinds there from tea leaves to car models. Everything, nah, there were many cool things there. We were first brought to this tea leaves shop that had asking prices up to 40k yuan. That is absurd, I wonder who will pay so much for tea.I guess the riches would be able to enjoy it with the tea experts not like a normal person that has no understanding of tea . Later on, we were giving 30 minutes free time to shop. Obviously, we overshotted the time xp. There were too many things for us to even finish browsing through. Well, I was one of the last few to actually gather with the class. I blame the shopkeeper not having a large enough plastic bag LOL. I bought some cool stuffs like a motorcycle model, an ancient car model. and lastly a yacht model. They were amazing, and they were pretty cheap, I was able to haggle the price slightly lower ;D. Well definitely, I still paid more than production fee but still cheaper than what people would get it at normal price. These models were beautiful those the motorcycle and car models were rusty, it didn't matter to me. After shopping, I rushed with Zhan Ting to gather with the class. Very soon, we left Tunxi Ancient Street. We also had a slow boat ride at a river later on, it was gently moving. Everyone seemed to be pretty excited to move to the rear of the boat as it was out in the open and we could enjoy the cooling wind and a open view of the surroundings. Soon, it was night time, we were to leave for Singapore.We took a midnight plane which was delayed to approximately 1.30? We were giving some vouchers to spend and definitely it was all worth, I had nice dessert :D. That was pretty much my trip in China, I certainly had a fun time and hope that that would be more of such OELPs in the future.

~MingWei :D

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