Monday 2 June 2014

day one of china

written by jeslyn(6) 2E

day one(25/5):
today, we took the high speed rail from shanghai to Hefei. it was rather fun at the start and it was very fast too. next when we alighted from the train I saw something obscene: a mother pulling down her daughter's pants bringing her daughter to the side and letting her daughter pee there before throwing the used tissue paper onto the puddle. I was horrified and for the journey to the exit, I did not dare to walk near the side. but this horror of inconsiderate people did not stop.

when we went to the toilets in the restaurant, we lost our appetite. the toilet door was not working, one of the tap was not working an to make it worse there were flies everywhere. how could we not lose our appetite? luckily, I did not enter the disgusting toilets but simply standing outside and guarding the toilet main door for my friend was terrifying enough.

next, we went to 三河古镇. one of the most interesting place in  三河古镇 was the 杨振宁旧居. in there, it said that he was the first Chinese to receive the nobel prize award and that in his later part of his life, he had married a woman much younger than him. however, they seemed to truly love each other. from here, I learnt that he must have been a very diligent person, to have been able to receive the nobel prize award and we should learn from him.

we also went to other places etc。刘同兴隆庄,仙姑楼, 二龙街

from today, I learnt that we should be grateful to have such clean toilets in Singapore and that we should be like  杨振宁, never give up and be hardworking.

gallery viewing time!:D

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