Sunday 29 June 2014

Day 2 MingWei

Today is the day where we had a different tour guide, it wasn't our previous tour guide-- Jessie, but an unknown man. Tour guide Jessie said that she would want to make friends with her and enjoy the next three days with us. Well she's gone, at least not our tour guide for the next days. We were told that she was sick, but was she? This new tour guide for pretty good, he was informative and loaded us with tons of facts, etc. I didn't fall asleep today, at least that's what I can recall.
Tdy is also the day where we met our China buddies, I had a tall buddy called Liyuan. He is pretty nice and gave me a warm welcome. This guy was always speaking English yet I repeatedly requested him to speak Chinese as he was speaking far more slower than that of what I listen frequently. I wasn't used to it, however, I think my spoken Chinese was so horrible that he wasn't able to understand it thus using English all the time, or he was worried that my Chinese proficiency was not high enough to understand their Chinese. Well, I don't deny that. Firstly, my Chinese sucks(yes,it sucks). Secondly, I'm not used to their accent, which I can't be blamed for that as every country has their own different accents, slangs etc, where it goes our infamous 'Singlish'. But one thing, I don't understand is that why do the Chinese students think that we don't understand Chinese. Do we look non-chinese to them? Or did the school not inform them we are able to converse in mandarin lol. I guess the school wanted us to communicate, have fun with them ourselves. At 合肥45中, I did not dare to enter their toilet as it had an awful stench. I didn't want to even get close to the toilet, till Zehan asked me to accompany him. It was really horrible. Just standing at the staircase outside it, I wanted to puke. After my first step into the toilet, I almost puked, I ran out of the toilet straight away. It was unbearable, that was one of the worst toilets I ever seen, ever entered. I don't understand how the students there were able to survive in that toilet. This led me to a puzzling question--- Why do they not take proper care of toilet hygiene? We had several lessons there and the lesson that I understood best was Math. They were learning about average, mean, etc. After lessons, we were to visit our buddy's home. His mother was ready, outside of school prepared to send us to their home. They live on the 5th floor, his house was pretty simple like every HDB flat one can see in Singapore.  However, one thing about their floor is that they did not build floor panels on it, so it was pretty much like those in Rv corridors. At his home, I played Chinese Chess with him and amazingly, I BEAT HIM IN IT! Not sure if gave chance to me though, but the feeling to win a Chinese student in chess is great. (Not implementing that every Chinese/Chinese students are good in chess). His mother gave me many food like dumpling, yoghurt, etc. Later on, he introduced Ultraman to me lol. I totally have no understanding about Ultraman, and he told me his sister was an avid fan of Ultraman. I had a pleasant time there, however good things always seem not to last long, it was time for me to leave and return to their school to meet with our tourguide and teachers. Sadly, I had to part with him. Well, it was nice to meet him, and I hope that he will pay me a visit in Singapore , and I'll certainly give him  a warm welcome :D

5 things I like about RV
learnt to be grateful to the cleaners in our schools for keeping our toilets so clean compared to 合肥45中.
2. Small Number of students as compared to their classes
They had like 50-65 students in their class and that is really a lot, really A LOT. It would be really hard for the teacher to take care of every single student and make sure all of them understands. OR perhaps I'm underestimating the teachers' power.
3.Shorter lesson time
Their schools end at around 5, and THATS CRAZY. I can die even when school ends at 2.30 usually, and idk how can they survive so long school hours.
4.School Canteen
We need a school canteen to have our meals, however at 合肥45中, there wasn't a school canteen and they were dismissed from school to eat outside and to enter school later on to have lessons. This would be pretty troublesome.
5. School Facilities
As compared to 合肥45 中, RV has much more facilities than them. We have a fitness corner, track , football field,etc. However they only have some basketball courts and a fitness corner that is not properly taken care of. The metal bars have gone rusty.


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