Sunday 29 June 2014

30/05/2014 - OELP Day 6

Today was quite a busy and packed day visiting different cultural attractions such as 西递,徽商大宅院, 棠樾牌坊群, etc. 

Most of the things we saw today were memorial archways (牌坊), which were built to commemorate people and their achievements. Most of the building attractions looked the same and I often got confused with one another. 

One of the attractions I liked was the Yuling Dam (渔梁坝). The view of the water body was simply breathtaking to me the moment it came in sight of mine. Although it does not look that great in the pictures, it does look nicer in real life. 

Tonight's dinner was quite special because we celebrated Zehan and Lijie 老师's birthday together and we got to eat cake! Some foreigners dining in the same restaurant also celebrated with us. The cake was delicious. 

Maybe because of the influence of others, I thought the atmosphere of the hotel we stayed in was a bit creepy. Nonetheless, the toilet glass wall looks quite cool to me. 
Transparent wall 😏 Of course there were blinds. 

After dinner, we also had a 2hr Chinese Culture Seminar about Anhui. I thought this was a rather good plan because this lecture covered up and made up for pretty much of the things I did not understand or missed out during our tour at Anhui's attractions. I thought it would be very boring, but actually if you listen attentively and try to understand what the lecturer was trying to say, it was not so bad after all. 

It was the last night here in Anhui. Mr Wong showed us some photos he had taken during the past 6 days. Looking at how much fun we had in these few days, I could not believe time passed so quickly and we almost came to the end of our OELP trip.  How I hope time could rewind. We had a class circle time and it made me think hard about what to do and how to improve our class. We also got to hear how some of our friends feel about the class and some areas of improvement. I thought this get together time was very meaningful and deep as we learnt about how one another felt.

~ Kitty

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