Sunday 29 June 2014

Day 4 MingWei

Today was a pretty simple day, we had our morning and it's time to leave Hefei. We set off to HuangShan!We had a approximately 3.5 hours bus ride to Huangshan. Later on we had to take the cable car up and then begin our hike! The cable car was enormous, not those normal ones you see, it could occupy a lot, I guess more than 100? Idk , I had forgotten. Well, Zhanting, Jeslyn and I was actually playing truth or dare on the cable car and that pretty much the whole cable car ride. And as usual, Yida having the phobia of heights, he stood in the middle of the cable car and closed his eyes. Very soon, we reached the other end of the cable car station. We had to walk around 15 minutes before we reached our hotel. We left our bags and most of our belongings there before we went for our climb to 光明顶. It was the highest peak at Huangshan at around 1840m.It was the 2nd highest peak at Huangshan with Lotus Peak(Lianhua Feng) at 1864m high.Well Zhanting, Yida and I decided to climb the mountain at a faster rate and definitely, we reached there around 30 minutes before the others. We had some free time while we explore 光明顶 before the others xD. Later on, when everyone reached, we had some class photos, guess our class bonded from this climb :D
Yida and I also bought a lock for fun and locked it on the ropes there. I guess it would be cut off before I will be able to go there and see my lock in the future. Later on, we had dinner and we were told that we would be waking up early to watch sunrise tomorrow. We were told that there was a 50% chance that we would be able to see it, which means it was only 50-50. Pray lord that we would be able to watch it or we would have to wake up at 4+ in vain.

~MingWei :D

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