Sunday 29 June 2014

Day 3 MingWei

Day 3 was gruesome. Horrible. And it left me in pain,ashamed. I'm ashamed to be even typing about this thing but whatever. In the morning, we went to the museum and learnt many things there. HOWEVER, it isn't the main focus of day 3's reflection. It was the 中国非物质文化遗产园 that we went to. Firstly, we had the cock fighting.There were 4 cocks that were fighting in group a and b. They were fighting brutally against each other, where blood could even be seen. Meanwhile, my friends and I were actually excited, trying to guess which one will win. Later on, there was the horse and dog racing. As usual, we did the same thing we did during the cock fighting. We actually neglected the fact that they are actually fighting each other for survival. The dogs are racing for food. We did not consider things happening behind the scene. Who knows if the dogs were starved and the people at the 中国非物质文化遗产园 used a piece of meat as a bait so that the dogs will chase after it and be able to eat it. BUT, only 1 dog, the winner will be able to eat it. So what about the other dogs? Do they starve just because they aren't able to run faster as compared to the other dog? And if they continue losing, will they have no food at all? Will they just starve and die of starvation? And to the people at 中国非物质文化遗产园, they will just be like okay this dog died, then get another dog to replace them. Where's the compassion? I neglected all these and was just in my world about who's the winner. To be honest, not because of the next show, I do not think that I would be able to reflect and think of all these things that I said just now. And the next show was the circus. A live circus. The first part of this circus show, was the lions and tigers performing. There was 2 Chinese youngsters that were holding metal bars in the arena/stage trying to control and make sure the animals perform. One could evidently see that the animals were not well prepared for the performance as they were not cooperating with the two youngsters. Just because of that, the 2 Chinese men used the thick metal rod to whack the animals. It was obvious that it was animal abuse but what could i do. I felt so helpless. The animals retaliated by growling at the 2 men, the 2 men was also taken aback. 1 of the 2 men also jumped back after the growls. I could not take the show anymore and decided to leave the circus. However, at the beginning, Mr Wong did not allowed my friend and I to leave and told us that we can stay behind and just not watch it. We heeded his advice and closed our eyes. WIthin a minute, some classmates told us that we can leave the circus. There were a few more classmates not being able to take the performance and requested to leave the place. However, after staying outside, I thought would it make a difference if I was watching or not, why not watch the whole thing and understand more about it and see what I can do to help in the future. Then, as I was about to enter the circus, Charmaine came out and told me that there were no more animals performance, and asked me to ask the others to enter the circus. That day was a really bad day, however it actually taught me many things. It taught me to look at a thing with different perspectives etc. Well, the 2 men at the circus may have no choice but to do so. But why? Because they have to survive! Even though, this day wasnt too much of a good day for me, I realised I learnt alot.

Color : 

The color red represents pain and shame. 

We need to protect the animals, show care and help them.

From today, I certainly learnt a lot from the incident at 中国非物质文化遗产园.

~MingWei :(

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