Sunday 29 June 2014

28/05/2014 - OELP Day 4

Today was the day we were going up to Huangshan which I anticipated most! I believed everybody anticipated this day too. 

Firstly, we boarded the bus to the cable car station at the  Then, we squeezed in a huge cable together with some other 50+ people up the mountain. The ride was quite fun because it was quite fast and the sceneries were breathtaking. However, it was a pity I was too short and everybody was taller than me and I couldn't see those sceneries outside. 

After a 15 minutes ride or so, we finally reached Huangshan! The weather was quite cooling and the air was very fresh. We were told that we still have to walk for 30 minutes to our hotel. One of the things that I observed during our walk to the hotel was that there were workers carrying heavy items like rice or rubbish in two bags which were tied onto a long pole. I later learnt that this was to reduce the pollution on Huangshan to keep the environment as natural as possible. Seeing how hard they worked for us carrying all the items we need and do not need on foot, I realised that we have to appreciate what are given to us. We should not waste rice as they are transported by foot to the restaurant, and any left overs will be transported by foot again down the mountain. It was already difficult for me to climb to our hotel, what more to say for those workers? 
Also, I noticed even the 'dustbins' along the way were unique. 

On the way to our hotel

Upon reaching our hotel, we emptied our bags, we went out again to climb several famous peaks in Huangshan. It was an endless adventure climbing and climbing to the peak of the mountain. It was much much tiring than climbing stairs during PE lessons. There were times that some of us thought that we could not make it, but the others cheered us on and sang songs to distract attention and make it more fun than tiring when climbing up to the peak. It was then I felt that we are 2E. 

After much climbing, we finally reached the second highest peak in Huangshan, 光明顶. 

The view was defintely breathtaking. The sceneries seen in person are much much much more beautiful than what we normally see in pictures. All those climbing was worthwhile after all. 

Today was one of the most relaxing days in China as we had a lot of free time to explore the mountains ourselves or resting in the hotel. Lights off tonight was quite early too because we will be waking up early the next day to witness the sunrise. 

~ Kitty

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