Sunday 8 June 2014

day seven china(last day)

written by jeslyn(6)2E:
we went shopping at the laojie, something that everyone(i think) was excited about. however, as we did not have much time left, we only shopped for forty minutes, just enough time for me to buy some items for my friends and family.

next, we took the boat to another place. we learnt that the river we were on was actually man-made. although the scenery did not seem rather fascinating to me, we still took photos together.

we went to a place that has a statue of yuefei, a general who loved his country, and it also has yuefei's tomb along with his son's.

today, we did not go to alot of places as it was the last day and we mainly travelled a long journey on the bus to the airport. and as we arrived at the airport, i could not help but feel rather sad about the fact that this OELP trip was coming to an end.

throughout the entire OELP trip, i have truly learnt alot, from cultural history to knowing more about the people around me. i made new friends, i gained more knowledge of the history of a part of china, i bonded more with the class. during dinners, my dining table will always be playing games, to eat finish the food, and we are the table that always seem to get about two-three plates of the same dish. but through the many dinners, we know more about each other, we laugh together.

through this seven days of OELP trip, we as a class, we became more bonded as we climbed huangshan together, watched the sunrise together, ate dinner together, took photos together, and most of all, spent quality time laughing along with each other. perhaps, even after this OELP trip has ended, my friends and i will look back to these memories and ask each other," did we really do that?" and the think back to how much fun we had together, as a class.

and i am certainly glad i have been on this educational trip with my class, afterall it made me widen my knowledge of what is around me and the people around me.


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