Sunday 29 June 2014

29/05/2014 - OELP Day 5

Today was the day we were going to catch the sunrise. Waking up early in the morning at 4.30am on Huangshan was definitely extremely cold. I could not stop myself from trembling, even though I wore the windbreaker. My roommate and I missed the morning call and woke up a bit later. When we got to the site to see the sunrise, we saw our classmates as well as other tourists squeezing in the little space. It was quite disappointing as there was no way to get in and we could not see anything. We only could finally see something at all after the sun has completely risen. I thought watching a sunrise would be interesting, watching all those television programmes, but it turned out to be not what I have expected. 

After sunrise, we were told that we could go back to sleep. However, I did not feel like going back to sleep so my friends and I decided to play a while before going back to hotel for breakfast. 

We continued climbing to other lower peaks in Huangshan after breakfast and headed back to the cable car station to ride down the mountain. The cable car we took down the mountain was much smaller and slower. This time, I could finally see the sceneries outside as we were seated. 

We proceeded off for a cultural visit at 宏村 (Hongcun) in Yixian.

There were many painters by the bank of the lake of Hongcun. If only I could draw as well as they do. 

~ Kitty

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