Tuesday 3 June 2014

day two in china

written by jeslyn (6)2E:
today, we went to visit the 合肥45中学 for school immersion lesson observation.we went to the auditorium and met our buddies there. i met my buddy who was called flora and she was rather pretty and friendly. firstly, we were assigned to different classes. my cid group and i were assigned to a class that we did not expect to be so noisy. everyone was having fun and the atmosphere was a total contrast from our class. while waiting for our teachers, our class will normally be rather quiet with the exception of some people talking loudly. here, everyone were just having fun.
the first lesson was maths and the topic was about average. everything was in chinese and it was difficult for me to learn at the start but gradually, with the help of flora,i understood what they were learning. when the teacher asked a question, everyone was shouting out their answers and trying their best to solve the questions. this went on for the rest of the lessons and i realised how different our class were from them(again): when the teacher asked a question, my class would not even bother to raise their hand or shout out the answers as a class, that type of attitude usually led to our teachers feeling rather disappointed. however, when we came here, i was rather shocked at how passionate the entire class of 59 students were about learning and we should really learn from them.
in between the lessons, something different happened. when the next teacher came in, music started playing with a female voice saying something. flora told me that they were doing exercises for their facial muscles to feel relaxed. they also had a period of time to go out and stretch for awhile and talk with their friends.

later that evening, flora brought me to her house that was lovely and we spent the whole evening talking and laughing at her class unglams. her mother even cooked specially for me and her family was very friendly, attempting to strike up a conversation with me in english.

through the dinner with them, i learnt about the chinese slang that they used which i clearly did not understand what they were talking about. before i left, they gave me loquats that they had planted. and when we were getting ready to leave the school, my buddy hugged me as we unwillingly said goodbye to each other.

till now, im still missing her and her friendly family.

but from this day, i learnt alot about different slangs, to be more active about learning, the different type of dinner the chinese eat there and how to communicate and reach out further to different types of people.and i was definitely grateful for how my buddy and her family and the class treated us.

picture time!:D

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