Sunday 29 June 2014

26/05/2014 - OELP Day 2

Today, we finally met our buddies in Hefei No. 45 Middle School.  At first, I was extremely excited but worried at the same time because I was afraid that my buddy and I would be very awkward together, especially it was the first meeting. However, my buddy, He Yuwen, was a very cheerful and lively girl who greeted me with wide smiles on her face. Even I was shy, she took the initiative to pick up a conversation with me. During lessons, she explained what the teacher was saying, ensuring that I understood everything. She also introduced some of her classmates to. The students there were very welcoming to us too.

I noticed that their lessons were quite different from us. For example, they do not use calculators during Math lessons at all. At first, when the Math teacher told the class to find the average of some numbers, I was expecting my buddy to take out her calculator. But instead, they mental calculated. I was amazed as in Singapore, we always have our calculators with us. For Chinese lesson, they had to memorise 文言文, which is ancient Chinese passages that looked very difficult to me. On the other hand, many of them could memorise and read out the whole thing very quickly. 

We were dismissed from lessons earlier to interact with our buddies. Some of us went to our buddies' house while the others hang around in school or nearby places. Honestly, I did not expect much. However, I was speechless at the sight of her house. It was much beautiful and big compared to mine. It changed my perspective of the way of life and standard of living of people. 

Part of my buddy's living room

Another thing that I observed was that the people here were very enthusiastic and treated visitors as one of them. My buddy's mother kept asking us if we wanted to eat or drink something. She brought me to nearby places around like stationary shop and bought me some snacks after that. I felt quite embarrassed as they payed for all of our food. 

A stationary shop near her house. The things there were really nice πŸ‘

We gathered back in school after two hours or so. We were disappointed when we found out that our itinerary has changed and we will not be going to Hefei No. 45 Middle School the next day. 

I really enjoyed having lessons and interact with them. I hope there is a chance for me to participate such exchange programmes in the future. By visiting their school, it also taught me to better appreciated and be grateful for what RV provides me with. 

1. Beautiful and clean toilets ❤️
    -> RV toilets are much cleaner than the ones in China. The best thing is that every RV toilet cubicle has a door.
2. Beautiful field ❤️
    -> In Hefei, they only had 2 basketball courts. But RV has a huge field with tracks.
3. School uniform ❤️
    -> I have not take much notice about RV uniform, but after several compliments during the trip, I kind of felt so too. Even the Hefei students are envious of our uniquely designed uniform. 
4. Canteen and hostel cafe ❤️
    -> They do not have a cafeteria in school and had to eat their lunch at home or outside school. However in RV, we have not only a canteen that provides us with different delicacies, but also hostel cafe that gives us more food options to choose from. 
5. Classroom ❤️
    -> Our classrooms are much bigger and spacious than Hefei's ones, where they are squeezed together with 60 others. 

~ Kitty

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