Friday 6 June 2014

day five in china

written by jeslyn(6) 2E:
we had to wake up really early(literally 4am+) to watch something new:sunrise. i have never really seen the sun rise before so i was really excited to see it for the first time in my life.
we had to climb up the stairs, dragging our tired bodies up in the darkness and when we finally reached there, the place was already very crowded as everyone was waiting for the sunrise. i felt rather tired and when i could not see the sunrise, i was so frustrated i actually wanted to sit down and not bother about it but after awhile, i felt that by doing so, isnt it a waste of effort?
hence, i stayed up there with some of my classmates and teachers waiting for the sunrise and when it happened, i felt rather happy that i did not step down and that i had patiently waited for the sunrise. everyone was staring at the sunrise in awe and so was i.

and obviously, i took a lot of pictures of something beautiful i have never seen before.

we continued climbing around after breakfast, looking at the scenery at huangshan and taking pictures before we went back to the tour bus.

next, we went to the 南湖书院and a village with cultural history in them. at the 南湖书院, we learnt that it has 200 years of history, with a lexu hall, and the classrooms that do not have lamps or lanterns as they study by using the natural light. we also learnt that in the past, when the hat is in, the owner is in; when the hat is not there, the owner is also not there.

apparently, the place was built based on people who either donated or put in effort and time to help.

when we went to the village, i saw alot of signs regarding about caring for one another's safety for example, "常念防火经,家家都安宁“ it means that as long as there are precautions taken for sudden fire outbreaks, everyone will be safe.

hence, from today's trip, i learnt that as long as i put in effort in whatever i do, i can learn in the process and i will be able to reap what i sow just like the people who built the place that we visited.


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