Sunday 29 June 2014

Day 1 Mingwei

The first thing i can rmb was that The food was horrible. It was disgusting especially for the first 2 meals of the day. Breakfast had food that were not cooked, corns look pale in color, food look revolting to an extent that I had no choice but to only eat toasts and a drink of orange juice. Lunch was even horrible, they did not serve plates but only a bowl for us to eat around 10 dishes, rice and soup. Best still, only 2 spoons were given for 9 people to drink soup. Their service attitude was bad when our teacher asked for plates and one of the waitress simply asked, "what for"(in Chinese). It was one of the most tormenting eating experiences i ever had. Fortunately, dishes for dinner were slightly better and I was able to eat more. You guys may be thinking that im eating very less, all I can say is I have no appetite to eat them, thus I ate what I think is adequate for myself.I hope this would clarify why im eating much lesser compared to the others.Hopefully, these dishes would change for the better. Not for the dinner, I believe I would be all dead, having no mood to write the reflection now.
We also took the high speed railway train to Hefei in Anhui which was around 3 hours. I've no idea what happened on the train as i was deep asleep as I was exhausted from yesterday getting little sleep.
We also visited the sanheguzhen today, we had to walk for a little over 3 hours which was unbearable due to the glaring sunlight and the warm temperature. My back was totally wet. There were several attractions at the sanheguzhen, for example sunliren residence. There was also the yangzhenning former residence, he is the first  Chinese who got the Nobel award thats related to physics. In the preserved residence, there were also information boards which introduces the renowned people of Anhui.  The preserved buildings dates up to 600years back which is really surprising as they have not been demolished but kept as a tourist attraction.
In a nutshell, it was a terrible day for me and my friends, I guess.


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