Thursday 5 June 2014

day four china

written by jeslyn (6) 2E:
we spent most of our day climbing up huangshan and admiring the beautiful scenery. first, we took the cable car up and we climbed up to the hotel for the rest of the journey.
the scenery was literally breathtaking, with all the mountains and the nice setting. we took alot of pictures and my legs were shaking from the phobia of heights and also from climbing too much.

as the we saw the amount of flights of stairs we had to climb, everyone mentally groaned as we climbed up. along the way as i graudally felt rather unwell, i felt the kindness of my classmates, one of them even willing to help to carry my bag.

we also went to see the sunset and at that moment, i felt that i had been missing out alot and i kept taking pictures with my teachers and friends, along the way i made new friends.and of course, monkeys climbing up and blocking us from climbing down from the top.

we did not go to any museums whatsoever, but i felt like ive gained alot and learnt that we should reach out more to nature, go out more often with friends or family and that although this trip was very tiring, ive actually felt quite happy about it.

now for the pictures!:D

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