Sunday 29 June 2014

Day 6 MingWei

2nd Last Day in China. Firstly, we went to Xidi(西递), it was originally called 西川 because of the water streams flowing through it. It was pretty similar to Hongcun, but one thing that's different is the semi circle tables in the living room of the residences. When the master of the house isn't at home, the semi circle tables would be split to the sides of the living room, however when he's at home, the semi circle tables would join together and form a circle. This allows anyone to know if their master is at home. When the first time i saw it,  I thought it was juz for decoration purposes or just to save space, never to know that it had such meaning behind it. This night, there was a night lecture by a lecturer by a vice principal from a tourism school if I'm not wrong. We addressed him as 胡教授. During his lecture, he covered a lot more than what we have learnt. However, what he said seemed to be too chim for me lol. It was obvious that my chinese standards are not high enough to even understand what he covered. But, at least I understood some parts. However,1 thing that puzzled me is that if he's the vice principal of a tourism school, why would he not know about the population of Singapore.He told us that it was around 3.5 million , and kept repeating that. However, none of us raised any objections when he asked us if it's correct, I was too shy to even say anything and to be honest, as it was late at night around 9 o'clock, I was feeling pretty sleepy. I tried my best to stay awake and listen while taking down notes though.After that, as it was the second last day of our trip, Mr Wong and Ms Ho decided to have circle time. We shared some things about our class, such as cliques, bullies which seemed strange to me lol. Since when was there bullying in our class, if jokingly yes, but in seriousness, no. Well, perhaps I'm not aware of it or I'm part of the bullying(bully/victim) just that I'm not aware.

~MingWei :|

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