Monday 27 January 2014

Consolidation of first 3 CID lessons

From the past few CID lessons, I have learnt much about observation. Observation is a mandatory skill throughout our whole life and we should have this skill. There was this lesson where we are shown 2 pictures by our CID teacher, Mr Wong. There was this man who claims that all his belongings have been stolen and he is asking for phone calls and help to get a job. At first i wonder if the beggar was lying when he claim that his belongings were stolen. The second picture was a woman holding her baby in her hands asking people on the streets for money. We had to make a decision which is to give 100 dollars to either the lady or man. I wasn't sure who to pass it to, I considered tearing it and give each of them half of the 100 dollars note (nah jk). Jokes aside, later from what Mr Wong told us, the man was in real need of help unlike the lady with her baby was part of a syndicate to cheat money from tourists and people who pass by them. From this, I have learnt to view things differently, there's always another side of the story that we cannot see just by pictures.

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