Thursday 23 January 2014

Consolidating Our Learning — First 3 Weeks

We learnt about observing our surroundings and interpreting a picture in the first 3 weeks of lessons. 

Every day we see things that create impressions on us, of which are captured in photos and videos. However, we often tend to not reflect on what the picture can actually mean to us or the others. If we take a longer and closer look at these pictures, there are actually many tiny details and stories that they are trying to portray — as the quote goes "a picture paints a thousand words". 

Pictures can be interpreted differently based on the impression it gives to various people and certain angles we view them at. Hence, one picture may have many meanings, some of which may even be unexpected. For example, the picture of a beggar pleading for money in the busy streets. You may think that he is just like any other beggars you see on the street, but take a closer look at the placard in his hands. It says that his belongings have been stolen. A little more research will let us understand his background story and that he really needs help and some money to get up on his feet again. 

We also learnt about observation. We can infer something by observing our surroundings or interacting with someone. For example, students running into the canteen to buy their food could mean that they are hungry, whereas students chatting and joking with one another could mean that they're happy. 

In a nutshell, I think we should pay attention to our surroundings more often to be aware of the things that are happening around us. 


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