Sunday 12 January 2014

My Holidays

To be honest, I did nothing much during my holidays. I'm 99% a couch potato, no exercise and facing the computer everyday, yes I mean everyday. I find nothing interesting and things so I'm just watching videos, game streams and playing LoL, League of Legends.But during the holidays, I did visit my relatives who were in Malaysia. And yea had to go Cca during holidays too. There was this navy exhibition that caught my attention where we got up to a Singapore navy ship, we were allowed to explore it. And there were this PDS course also known as the Precision Drill Squad. I enrolled in it but unfortunately did not pass it probably because I didn't put my fullest effort in it which led me to regretting as I did not make use of the time to practice to do it . Instead when at home I was playing LoL. Yea, that's all of my holidays.


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