Wednesday 15 January 2014



The reason we chose starvation is actually quite obvious. You can even see the shape of her ribcage and bones of her arms and legs. This actually shows how long she have been starving to be at this stage of weakness. 

As you can see, the ground of where she is squatting is actually very dirty. Why is she squatting on such dirty ground? We interpreted that she was actually walking to somewhere but is unable to walk any further due to a really long period of starvation causing her to not have enough strength to walk any further. Not even a little bit of strength to rest on a cleaner Ground. 

As you can see, there is a vulture staring at the little girl at the back of the picture. Vultures are smart animals, they observe their prey before they take action. Vultures would of course not choose a prey that is strong and muscular to chase because the prey might be able to run away easily. The vulture waiting behind the girl for the time to come to take action shows that the girl is an easy prey and it will be able to hunt her down easily. Which also proves that the girl is weak and more likely unable to move quickly. 

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