Saturday 25 January 2014

Color Symbol and Image

I chose the color black because a few years back something tragic happened during Chinese New year. My hamster,lamelame, died when fighting with it's brother. My family and I was unable to stop it thus making me feel sad every Chinese New Year. Black is associated with negative feelings, hence I chose black.

This year,2014, is the horse year, this picture is made up of a horse forming the year of 2014. If u actually notice, the horse look like a dragon which is a sign of good fortune and happiness too.
Ahaaaa! I chose the poker cards, because Imma gamble all day!!! Nah just kidding but I'm still going to gamble hahah. But definitely not big sums duh maybe at most 10 bucks. Most people gamble during the Chinese New Year to have fun. There are so many card games like Big Two, BlackJack, Poker, Showhand,etc. Take note too : Do not gamble at high amount of $$$ or u will lose $$$ quick . Bye guys!


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