Monday 20 January 2014

Consolidating our learning - Lim Zhi Yan

For the past few lessons, we learnt to describe and interpret a picture. 

I found one of the lessons interesting is where we were first shown a picture of a vulture and a little girl laying on dirty ground as shown in one of our previous post. We were asked to describe and interpret the picture at first. Then within a minute time, we had to research on the picture. What we found out was so much more than what we had interpreted. It's amazing how a one minute's research is able to allow us to know so much more. 

We were then tasked to see, think and wonder about two pictures. One of which shows a beggar sitting on the floor with belongings around him and a cardboard that informs why he is begging for money. The other picture shows a woman carrying a child, begging money from a man reading the newspaper who seems to not care about her.

When I first saw the two pictures, I thought both were cheaters as the man had quite a lot of belongings around him and even clear water, while the woman and baby were well-dressed. Then a scenario was given to us, to decide who to give a hundred dollar cheque. It kept was thinking who to give it to at first, but decided not to give any of them in the end.

So are they beggars?

When the teacher finally gave us the real story, it's true that both are beggars, but the baby the women was carrying wasn't hers. Well, a picture tells us a thousand words, but it's actually how you interpret it. This tells us not to judge a book by its cover.

-Lim Zhi Yan(11)

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