Sunday 26 January 2014

Poverty In Singapore

Singapore may be a more modernized country where most people think that there are no poor people in this island country. On the contrary, there are many poor people in Singapore. Poverty does exist in Singapore although you may not be able to see beggars on the streets or starving people scrounging for food at all the place u went to. Well, you may say that begging is illegal in Singapore thus not seeing them, it's true. Still, you can see people selling tissue paper outside hawker centres, at MRT stations, etc. And on the picture above, it is one of the workers who decided to sleep on a bench near their working place so that they can save the bus ride fare, where they need to go home and back to their work area. The following pictures are also evidence of poverty in Singapore. An old granny is trying to look for items that can be used in a pile of rubbish that other dispose of while an uncle is forced to sleep beside the road because he doesn't have a house to live in. After your all see this picture, can you still say that there is no poverty in singapore ?

The following video is about the poverty in Singapore.

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