Tuesday 27 May 2014

Day 3 in China

Today, we went to the Anhui museum and a theme park. I guess it is the most enriching since the trip. Most of us cried, many were crying in their hearts. We witnessed animal abuse. 

First, we went to the Anhui museum and learnt about the 'ding'. We did worksheet in class back in Singapore about the 'ding' and I am glad that I was able to see it in real life. I also love the samples of the houses in Anhui like the windows, things at their door and the one that fascinated me most was that the house did no Yee any nails. We also learnt more about Anhui.

Secondly, we went to theme park and first up was a chicken against another a chicken. Some of us could not take it and walked away. I feel that they should not do that as at the same time many feathers were dropping.

Next was the horse race and dog race. Although it might not seem like animal abuse, I feel that animals should not be treated this way for our enjoyment. Of course we did not like it and the teachers even asked us to leave the circus show half way through. 

We walked around the park and I feel that I enjoyed the playground the most. At the playground, there is a bouldering wall --- the one I enjoyed the most. Although I have tried it many times in primary school last time, I was not able to complete it. I tried it at least ten times and the teachers were really helpful telling me where to step.

Even though I have not completed the bouldering wall after a lot of tries, we had to leave. My longest distance was one rock away from the end and I got annoyed because I really wanted to complete it. Although I did not complete it the teachers were encouraging and it changed my perspective that sometimes we should not set our goals too high.

In conclusion, I feel that this is the most enriching day. It taught us a lot not through what the guide told us but because of what we saw. I feel that it really thought us about life and what we have to accept as a fact.

-Zhi Yan

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