Saturday 10 May 2014

reflection on how to start a movement

in the link above is the video of derek sivers talking about a guy in trunks who started the movement. although it seemed awkward initially, he continued to dance by himself until a person joined in and another and another and finally this guy in trunks has got alot of people following him and his dance movements.

this video shows how to start a movement. to start a movement one needs to be of a great leader, to know how to convince others and attract others attention to be able to have others listening to one. one needs followers to support one in whatever one is planning to do. after all, without followers as seen in the video, the dancing guy would not be able to start what he was planning. as derek said, " everyone sees the followers not the leader." this is true as without his followers, the leader would not be able to attract a crowd of supporters. hence, one is only able to start a movement when one has support and followers behind his/her back. the video also shows that the followers support the leader in dancing as they do not want to ridicule themselves, one is able to see a whole crowd of people jusr rushing in to join in the fun.

hence, the most important moral of this video as said by derek sivers is to nurtur the first few followers we have, to make them as equals and that there is no movement without the follower. one must also be courageous enough to follow or the public cannot possibly be attracted.

so this shows that followers are the most important and needs to be brave in starting a movement, not really the leader, isnt it?

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