Monday 26 May 2014

Day 2 in China

Today, we went to Hefei 45 school. We attended school with them and it was an eye opener. Their class size is 58 people which is almost 2x of our class size. It was awkward at first but it was fine after awhile. We had Math lesson and Chinese lesson in the morning. Math was easy to understand but their Chinese lesson was quite hard to understand. 

After every lesson, they had a ten minutes break before the next lesson which I think is a very good thing to have because they get to take a break before the next lesson. I feel that although I do not understand what the teacher is saying but I still manage to get what my buddy is saying although she is speaking to me in Chinese.

Noon came and we went for lunch. It is quite a decent hotel and I felt that it was before than what we had yesterday although I do not understand why they have to give us soft drink every meal because I do not really like soft drink.

After lunch, we went to their school again to attend afternoon lesson. I guess the afternoon lessons was worst for me as I did not understand a single lesson in the afternoon. Something changed my perspective of very studious and civilized people. During a break in the afternoon, few girls from the class was annoying this guy sitting in front of me and they even poured the soft drink that they were drinking on the guy, on his shirt and bag. I too got a bit of soft drink on myself and it changed my mindset of them. But, I later realized during dinner that although they can be rowdy in class, they actually study hard at home, therefore their results.

We left class early and went to Kitty's buddy house. They are very kind and generous even asking us to have a good dinner with them rather than with the school. Although we refused, they still treated us really nicely and brought a lot of food out for us to eat which I thought was really super kind.

We then went to walk around the place and they even bought food for us. We did not even pay for what we ate. I feel that they are very kind and they treat visitors like themselves.

-Zhi Yan

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