Saturday 10 May 2014

Reflection: Derek Sivers — How to Start a Movement

In the following video, Derek Sivers talked about how the first follower is more important than the leader as he shows others how to follow, spurring on the spirit, setting the precedent and starting a movement subsequently. 

The first follower is important as he turns the person he is following into a leader. As nobody listens to the leader as they think that "Hey, this guy is doing something by himself and nobody is following him. He must be doing something ridiculous. Therefore, I shall not follow him too." When nobody follows the leader, the leader is not a leader anymore because he is a lonely guy seen doing something ridiculous by himself. However, when the first follower says, "I think should follow him", he has the courage to be follow and ridiculed together with the leader, but at the same time, showing others how to follow. Then, it will occur to the second and third follower, "Maybe it's not so bad. We should join in too." After they start joining in, a small crowd / group will be created. When more people from the surrounding see this, they will think that "Since there is a bunch of people following him, let's join them too," thus creating a bigger crowd. In the end, those who do not participate are seen as the odd ones out who are being ridiculed. If it has not been the first follower, the leader will be like one person strolling along the path alone; but because of this first follower, people change their mindset and join in the first person, following the leader. In this case, the leader is now leading a troop, not strolling alone anymore. Thus, the first follower is important as he makes the difference by following the leader, convincing the others to follow too. 

All in all, I think that it is not a leader that starts a movement, it is his followers that make it happen. As mentioned by Derek Sivers, "If the leader is the flint, the first follower is the spark that makes the fire." We are often taught that leadership is important. However, after watching this video, does it come to you that follow-ship is equally important? Without followers, there will be no leaders. Thus, if you come across somebody doing something great, be it donation for charity, or even RAOK (Random Acts Of Kindness), be sure to have the guts to stand up and join in to make that difference, and people will follow suit, spreading the kindness around. 


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