Sunday 11 May 2014

Derek Sivers - How to Start a Movement

From the video, I can learn that anyone can be a leader. The person dancing at the start of the video might seem ordinary, you might think that he is crazy but not long later, you realize that he is the leader and you, sitting there is the odd one because you are not dancing with them.

This video is amazing. You never expect the unexpected. You might think that he is crazy, but once people start following him, the leader, he is impacting more and more people. He is an ordinary guy, who does not seem like a leader, but because of the follower, that made him a leader.

When someone decides to follow the other person and more and more people joins in, that makes the 'starter' the leader because no one else was doing it but he took the first step to do it, impacting others to follow suit. 

Therefore, the first follower is actually the one making the most impact rather than the leader. If the leader starts doing something and no one follows, how is that a leader? It is important that someone follows, convincing the rest to join in as well. 

The leader does not make it happen, but the followers that make it happen. Why do we always stand in the crowd? If it is right, why not make it happen and follow suit. You will be the one in the crowd at the end of the day because the crowd will follow you. You are the one who have guts to make the person who is doing right the leader. Those who simply does not want to follow you is now the one that people laugh at because they are not the same anymore. 

-Zhi Yan

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