Monday 1 September 2014

30/05/2014-OELP DAY 5 ZEHAN

Day 5 in China 
  Today was our second day on Huangshang. We needed to wake up early at around 4.30 am just to capture the beautiful scenery of sunrise on Huangshang, but after going up, I really regretted  my choice of waking up so early. When we got to the site to see the sunrise, there were a lot of tourists who came before us and we need to try our best to squeeze behind them to catch a glimpse of the sunrise. Seeing the place is already so congested, I decided to climb up to the rocks above to take a better view. At there we got a nice view of the sunrise and even manage to snap some pictures but it was very dangerous since the rock was very steep. But to me, although the sunrise is beautiful, I think I prefer sunset more because the shines it gives off are brighter and appeared more cheerful. Although our teachers told us that we still have some time until breakfast and we should go back and sleep,my friends already felt wide awake thus we went to climb the mountains trek near the hotel. After breakfast,we continued to climb the other lower peaks in Huanshang. One of the peaks was very steep and thus it was quite scary to look down from there but the view from above was astounding. At another peak of Huanshang, there was a lot of monkeys and apes, causing a lot of tourists flooding into the spots. We managed to get on the peak and a lot of girls in class who are animal lovers quickly took pictures of the apes. Personally. I found a picture of a ape holding its baby very adorable. However, I saw some tourists ignoring the notice board of 'NO FEEDING OF ANIMAL' and feeding the apes with breadcrumbs and other food. This was a very irresponsible acts

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