Monday 1 September 2014

26/05/2014-OELP DAY 3 ZEHAN

Day 3 in China 
  Today after breakfast,we took the bus to the Anhui Museum(安徽省博物院)and learnt more about the history of China and culture. The museum was separated into four different floors,each holding a different cultural exhibition. In each exhibition,there are a lot of artifacts displayed to help us have a better understanding of all the traditions and culture sealed away in the history. Now, I will share with your the learning pionts I gained from the various exhibition.
  After having lunch,we went to China Intangible Cultural Heritage Park(中国非物质文化遗产园), which also act as a theme park. Although it should be a theme park, there was very little tourists or member of public in there. After visitin the cultural attractions such as residential houses and buildings. We even walked along a path, the wall by its side depicting part of the story of 'journey to the west'. The tour guide bring us to a outdoor stadium staged for animal competitions. The first competition held was a rooster fight between rooster from Thailand and China. The fight was quite violent as the roosters were fighting to their death, biting of each other's feathers. The rooster from Thailand has most of its feather stripped off and is extremely skinny as compared to the roosters we saw in pictures. After three rounds of fights, the roosters were put back to their cage.

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