Monday 1 September 2014

25/05/2014-OELP DAY 1 ZEHAN

Day 1 in China
  After recharging ourselve in the stay at Shanghai RAYFONT HOTEL, we are ready to embark on the journey to anhui. After we checked out, we headed to the station and took a three hours ride from Shanhai to hefei by high speed rail. It was my first time riding on the high speed rail and I discover that it is similar to the setup of a plane just that they have five seats in a row. The scenery outside was breathtaking as it seemed like a fast foward movie clip. Some classmates take the chance to rest up while the other were engrossed in either their own activities or thoughts. On the way, I thought about how advance technology would provide such a convenient and useful way of transportation for us to stay in touch or reach each other even in different area of the world. Back in the olden days, people may need to take several days or weeks just to travel from one province to another while we only needed spent around three hours to travel to different destinations ! These advances in technology enable us to travel in a much comfortable way and help us saved a vast amount of valuable time that could be put to a better use. It is also a great boost to economic growthof different countries as it allow trade to be carried out more easily between different them such as between China and Singapore. Many people's occupation also rely on traveling to different areas to gather informations such as reporters. After thinking deeply too, I realize the fact that although China is categorized as less developed country while Singapore is a developed country, China's fast speed rail actually have quite a few resemblance to the mrt of Singapore. It taught me that China is catching up at a fast pace and it may have a potential to be even more developed than Singapore thus as singapore citizens,we should do our best in our studies and contribute to the society in the future. When we arrived at the hefei train station, I was surprised that although the sun was bright at here too, but the atmosphere seems to be slightly cooler than singapore's. I think it may because the humidity here is lower than in Singapore.
After lunch we traveled to our first destination,三河古镇(Sanhe Guzhen).
We had dinner at a nearby restaurant. We have a scrumptious meal together and the toilets there were also quite clean. During dinner time, we were split in to four tables and at each table, we were bonding with our classmates and the teacher accompanying us while playing some games. In this games, we got to know our teacher and classmates even better. We went to check in our hotel (Holiday Inn Express Hefei South) where we will be staying for three nights. That night,we ended by playing some ice breaker games and reflection time where we shared and reflected on the learning pionts we learnt today.

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