Saturday 29 March 2014

one party rule

the impact that one child policy have on china is great. first of all, china's population will ease greatly. some parents who are pressurised by the one child policy might go for abortion or, parenst might over indulge thir only child, causing their child to be unable to fit into society as they are too spoilt,t hus this will become a potential social problem.furthermore, there will be unequal enforcement and some parents have to wait a year before thy could give birth to another child. thus, the one child policy has negative effects on chinas society and bring upon not such a good future on china due to missing children and women(kidnapped, neglected and abandoned),human rights violation whereby parents are not givent he right to give birth as many children as they want and also the number of children being produced is way too little as compared to the past whereby the families will always have alot of children as they are not controlled over number of children they should have.

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