Sunday 9 March 2014

One-Party Rule

The disadvantage of one party rule is that China may be lack of representation. There are no opposition part to counter-argue the decisions being made, and therefore there is no reason to validate the choices of the ruling party. Thus, if the ruling party make a wrong decision, the country will move in the wrong direction and collapse all together. Moreover, having the one-party system will have less choice, less variety and less ideas generally. 
On the other hand, there are also advantages for the one-party system. Time will not be wasted on politics and campaigns. Political arguments are also avoided as there are no party rivalry. Thus, there will be high efficiency and promptly effective reaction to emerging challenges and opportunities. Also, the ruling party can focus in the direction of making actual progress for the country. 

In China, there is a one-child policy, that is, the Chinese cannot have more than one child, or else they will be executed. Chinese's human rights are ignored by the one-party ruler of having more than one child. Some internet webpages are also restricted to the Chinese. This prevents them from exposing to the outside world beyond China, violating their rights.  

China is able to progress with the one-party system because they punish whoever that goes against the system severely. Thus, nobody would dare to oppose the system and China is able to progress smoothly. 

I think maintaining a one-party system will not benefit China. China is making the wrong decisions sometimes. For example, they would abuse their power for bribery to possess more money. This results in a little corruption in China. Multi-party system should be introduced so that they can make better and moral decisions for the sake of China. 

China's one-party rule is not similar to Singapore. Although Singapore has a main government, PAP, there are also other parties ruling in certain parts of Singapore. 

China should learn the strict laws enforced in Singapore to keep the nation in good shape. Singapore should not learn the misuse of power in China because it will lead to corruption eventually.


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