Saturday 29 March 2014

one party rule

the impact that one child policy have on china is great. first of all, china's population will ease greatly. some parents who are pressurised by the one child policy might go for abortion or, parenst might over indulge thir only child, causing their child to be unable to fit into society as they are too spoilt,t hus this will become a potential social problem.furthermore, there will be unequal enforcement and some parents have to wait a year before thy could give birth to another child. thus, the one child policy has negative effects on chinas society and bring upon not such a good future on china due to missing children and women(kidnapped, neglected and abandoned),human rights violation whereby parents are not givent he right to give birth as many children as they want and also the number of children being produced is way too little as compared to the past whereby the families will always have alot of children as they are not controlled over number of children they should have.

Beijing Olympic Sports Centre

this is the beijing olympic sports centre. to me, it is merely a sports centre built for the olympics, however, to china it was properly an honour for them to be participating in such a major sports event and even be able to built a sports centre just for it. (so sorry there is nothing i can find for this) having to build this centre is able to boost china's tourism, and also rise their awareness to what they can improve on in china to make it a better place for tourism. this shows that the sports centre was a great benefit for china as it gives them the honour and priviledge of being the host of the major olympics sport event. :-) end :-)

Monday 24 March 2014

Bing Ma Yong Exhibition in China

                      This photos are used as replacement because I cannot find the photo that is provided by teacher on the worksheet.😄
Firstly,I will be talking about the history of the Bing Ma Yong and give a short intro.The 'Terracotta Army'  is a collection of terracotta  sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China. It is a form of funerery art buried with the emperor in 210–209 BC and whose purpose was to protect the emperor in his afterlife.The figures, dating from around the late third century BC, were discovered in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi province. The figures vary in height according to their roles, with the tallest being the generals. The figures include warriors,chariots and horses.There are four main pits associated with the terracotta army. These pits are located about 1.5 km east of the burial mound and are about 7 metres deep. The army is placed as if to protect the tomb from the east, where all the Qin Emperor's conquered states lay.Other terracotta non-military figures were also found in other pits and they include officials, acrobats, strongmen and musicians.
Secondly, the discovery of Bing Ma Yong is 
                                                                                                                                     ~done by Zehan

Sunday 23 March 2014

Tiananmen Square

Tiananmen Square is a large public square in the capital of China, Beijing. Tiananmen, which also means Gate of Heavenly Peace, contains the monument of the heroes of the revolution, the Great Hall of the People, the museum of history and revolution, and the Mao Zedong Memorial Hall, giving glimpse in the history, politics and other aspects of China. 

Tiananmen Square reflects the protests in 1989, commonly known as the June Fourth Incident (六四事件). This incident involves thousands of students marching through the capital to Tiananmen Square, calling for a more democratic government. In the weeks that follow, thousands of people from the community, joined the students in the square to protest against China's Communist rule. The protests were aimed to end Communist Party rule in favor of democracy, since many protesters called on China's leaders to do a better job of living up to their own professed ideals.  After several weeks of demonstrations, Chinese troops saw that the protesters had not leave, thus entering Tiananmen Square on June 4 and fired on them. The Chinese government believes that only by using force, that the protesters would stop their act. 

As a result, deaths was estimated to range from several hundred to thousands, and as many as 10,000 people were arrested during and after the protests. Several dozen people have also been executed for their parts in the demonstrations. There were little information to this incident as The Communist Party of China (CPC) forbids discussion of the Tiananmen Square protests, and has taken measures to block or censor information. Officials have also banned controversial films and books, and shut down a large number of newspapers. Even textbooks have only little or no information related to this incident. The Tiananmen contains no exhibits mentioning the events of June 1989. 

CPC believed that it is the influence from the West that caused the Chinese students think of democracy in China and to protest against the CPC for a democratic China. Thus, after the June Fourth Incident, CPC implemented the Censorship in the People's Republic of China (PRC). It is largely seen as a measure to maintain the rule of the Communist Party of China. Censorship helps prevent unapproved reformist, separatist, "counter-revolutionary", or religious ideas, peaceful or otherwise, from organizing themselves and spreading. Additionally, censorship prevents Chinese citizens from discovering or learning more about past and current failures of the Communist Party that could create or inflame anti-government sentiment. Measures such as the blocking of foreign governments' websites may also be intended to prevent citizens from learning about alternative systems of governance and demanding similar systems. 

To me, while the Chinese public is having a hard time convincing China's government, the government just want to govern China in their own way, and always think that they are right. 
To China, the Chinese public wanted a more well-governed China, a democratic China.  They hoped that through the protests, the China government would be convinced to abolish communism to make China a more equal country to live in, socially, economically, and in other areas. However, China's government strongly believe in communism to rule China properly and is not willing to change their way of rule. 

Through this entire event, I think we should learn that violence is not the solution to problems. In contrast, it makes matters worst. For example in the June Fourth Incident, not only precious lives were lost, but there are also imprisonments and prosecutions, and it is not worth it. In my opinion, sending a representative to sit down and have a talk calmly would be a better choice. 


Sunday 9 March 2014

One-Party Rule

The disadvantage of one party rule is that China may be lack of representation. There are no opposition part to counter-argue the decisions being made, and therefore there is no reason to validate the choices of the ruling party. Thus, if the ruling party make a wrong decision, the country will move in the wrong direction and collapse all together. Moreover, having the one-party system will have less choice, less variety and less ideas generally. 
On the other hand, there are also advantages for the one-party system. Time will not be wasted on politics and campaigns. Political arguments are also avoided as there are no party rivalry. Thus, there will be high efficiency and promptly effective reaction to emerging challenges and opportunities. Also, the ruling party can focus in the direction of making actual progress for the country. 

In China, there is a one-child policy, that is, the Chinese cannot have more than one child, or else they will be executed. Chinese's human rights are ignored by the one-party ruler of having more than one child. Some internet webpages are also restricted to the Chinese. This prevents them from exposing to the outside world beyond China, violating their rights.  

China is able to progress with the one-party system because they punish whoever that goes against the system severely. Thus, nobody would dare to oppose the system and China is able to progress smoothly. 

I think maintaining a one-party system will not benefit China. China is making the wrong decisions sometimes. For example, they would abuse their power for bribery to possess more money. This results in a little corruption in China. Multi-party system should be introduced so that they can make better and moral decisions for the sake of China. 

China's one-party rule is not similar to Singapore. Although Singapore has a main government, PAP, there are also other parties ruling in certain parts of Singapore. 

China should learn the strict laws enforced in Singapore to keep the nation in good shape. Singapore should not learn the misuse of power in China because it will lead to corruption eventually.
