Monday 10 February 2014

Consolidation of the first three week of CID-Zehan

  In the first lesson, we have an introduction by the teacher about what we are going to be trained in for the half year before we go for our OELP trip. We are going to be trained in our critical thinking skills and our observation skills in preparation for the trip. I also learn about many different cultures of different countries that is different from our culture in Singapore such as british scoop their food with their spoon outwards before putting it into their mouth , the japanese drink their soup or drink loudly to show that they appreciate and enjoy the food, only use your right hand to shake hand with Indian as it is rude to use left hand because thou use it to wipe their butt.
  For the second lesson,' A picture paints a thousand words ' 
  For the third lesson, we learnt about that we can know, infer and 
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